Author: ourCOG


So.... things have been more stressful around here since I got back on Sunday. I forgot how much stuff builds up in one week. I have like 2 exams, homework, a paper, and probably other stuff I am forgetting. Also, please pray for me about my housing... »

Racial and Religious Hatred Bill

Hi Folks,Found an interesting take on the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill - on this to see film made by students in St Andrews (scroll down to near bottom to see film). Not sure if this would actually... »

Our Lord Is Amazing!

Hello All,I'm back in action again, that's my internet connection fixed.I wanted to share what happened on Sunday night at Inverness, when I was there with Armands as he preached. As you know Armands and his family were over from Latvia, visiting us fo... »



Hey guys... I just wanted to say hey and that I miss you guys... I will be home this weekend so my car can get fixed, so if you want to do anything just give me a call.So, it has been so HECTIC up here. This week feels like it has been so jam packed wi... »