Just in Time
Just in Time (MP3) »
Just in Time (MP3) »
Proverbs 29:18 says: "Where there is no vision, the people perish." A better translation of that verse says: "Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint." (Or "are out of control.) This verse is not talking about u... »
I know, I know. It sounds really pretentious when your Church puts out a document called a manifesto. But that ship sailed a long time ago when we named this Renovatus. After you Latinize your name, you never get to worry about being pretentious again! When the Renovatus Manifesto debuted in November of 2010, it [...] »
Book Review: Science, Creation & the Bible via @tcrobinson http://tinyurl.com/2663qbp #OurCOG VERY hot topic right now! »