Author: ourCOG

Lasting discipleship takes place only in community. #OurCOG

Lasting discipleship takes place only in community. #OurCOG »

happy birthday, dad!

happy birthday, dad!

Today is my dad’s 86th birthday. Born March 8, 1925! Man, he’s old. Without being morose, I wonder how many more he has in him. He has been ill for many years, suffered a heart attack at 54 and fights various problems.  He tough, though.  My brothers and I joke that he’ll probably be there [...] »

Small Town Student Ministry

  Rural America is typically the last place to look for growing churches, much less thriving student ministries. But I believe that students in smaller cities across this country are starving for “Fresh Bread.” They are no longer satisfied wit... »

Awesome service in Kalamazoo, MI last night!! People healed and saved @ the Church of God Family Worship Center. #OurCOG

Awesome service in Kalamazoo, MI last night!! People healed and saved @ the Church of God Family Worship Center. #OurCOG »