Author: ourCOG

COG Declaration of Faith #7 "Holiness to be God’s standard of living for His people… #ourCOG

COG Declaration of Faith #7 "Holiness to be God’s standard of living for His people… #ourCOG »

Seek God for the City booklets

Seek God for the City booklets are available on the NTB hall prayer table this Sunday. Join in this forty day time of prayer from March 9th - April 17th leading to Resurrection Sunday. Seek God's face, seek God's kingdom as you journey through this bo... »

Save the Date

MAT Rally. March 26th 9 am. For all those that are on a MAT. More information to come soon. »

Joyce Meyers Conference

Ladies, we still have a few rooms left for the Joyce Meyers Conference April 28-30 in Hampton, Virginia. Registration forms are available on the Ladies Ministries table in the back hallway or email [email protected]. Contact lailajb... »