Author: ourCOG

The Declaration of Independence

WOW Vote Ron Paul! »

Cleveland Indians Magic Number is 5

Cleveland Indians Magic Number is 5

Any combination of 5 Cleveland wins and Detroit losses puts us back in the playoffs. It's been 10 years since our last visit to the World Series when those dirty Fish from Florida BOUGHT the title. It was the first time Greta saw me cry. I'm hoping ... »

Fun around the house, #2

As you can see, we also have a kitten/cat. This is Pye. Or as Pye's owner calls him, "A heaping helping of crazy!" Which is a really good descriptor for this cat. Pye is as nuts as they come. Every once in a while, he takes it into his head to beat up Diamond. There is nothing funnier than watching Diamond and Pye go at it. Pye trying to either get under Diamond's legs to attack the soft »

Is This Bad?

Is This Bad?

I just began reading the Harry Potter series. (I know, I'm really on top of things!) Harry is currently on the train to Hogwarts. I've only been introduced to a handful of characters. Besides, "you-know-who" I don't know the other "bad guys" of the Har... »