Author: ourCOG

Wish I could be there!! RT @brianchinyet: CCCOG Missions Conference. Great times with great people doing the work of the Lord. #OurCOG

Wish I could be there!! RT @brianchinyet: CCCOG Missions Conference. Great times with great people doing the work of the Lord. #OurCOG »

@pknipp2 Awesome! That is good news! Thank you Jesus for the Co-Laborers @westmorecog #ourcog

@pknipp2 Awesome! That is good news! Thank you Jesus for the Co-Laborers @westmorecog #ourcog »

a question I raised at the missions’ conference – Do we REALLY need someone from outside to teach us prayer fasting and missions in #ourCOG?

a question I raised at the missions' conference - Do we REALLY need someone from outside to teach us prayer fasting and missions in #ourCOG? »

Supposedly, this FILM about AMERICA in CRISES is from a Christian source – what do you think? #ourCOG

Supposedly, this FILM about AMERICA in CRISES is from a Christian source - what do you think? #ourCOG »