Author: ourCOG

New Calf #ourCOG

New Calf #ourCOG »

Mauris Imperdiet Eros

Mauris Imperdiet Eros

Morbi nec ipsum sit amet neque bibendum ultricies ut quis libero. Mauris imperdiet eros sit amet massa fringilla sed ornare diam mattis. Phasellus eget sem eu lectus mollis fringilla vitae ut nulla. Duis velit purus, porttitor vestibulum consectetur a, venenatis eget urna. Nulla fringilla nulla eu urna commodo rutrum. Nulla pulvinar, nunc eget scelerisque ullamcorper, leo eros suscipit elit, non f... »

New Calf

New Calf

It was an eventful evening.  I got home a little before 7 and went out to put out some hay for the horses.  I discovered a very newborn calf.  Calf and mother seem to be doing well.  One of the hens was missing so I had to find her ... »

Having the youth board over to our house tonight. Going to be a great time of… #ourCOG

Having the youth board over to our house tonight. Going to be a great time of… #ourCOG »