Author: ourCOG

Neil’s Notes 2010-05-06 20:58:00

This Is It! I was reading II Chronicles 2 this week and got inspired, the first verse says that Solomon was determined to build a house for the Lord, he asked God to allow him to do what his father David desired to do but couldn't. When God released hi... »

I Will Praise Him With JOY!

How do you praise God? From what emotions does your praise come? David tells us in Psalms 63:5, "I will praise Him with joyful lips." Joy is not the same thing as happiness. Happiness means that I need something to "happen" to make me happy. Not e... »


Psalms 63:5 says, "My soul shall be satisfied." This entire Psalm is about the joy that the fellowship of the Lord brings to one's life. As David makes this statement, he is telling us that God alone has satisfied him. We live in a world where many ... »

IronLeader Challenge

Last month, I competed in my gym's annual ironman competition. Now before you call me a liar or get impressed, they give us a month to complete the ironman verses the insane people who can achieve it in 1 day or less. If you don't know what it takes to... »