Author: ourCOG

What Next?

I have run my first race since returning to all out running and particularly racing which also happened to be my first trail race back in August. A 7 mile (approx.) fairly technical race. Now it is time to move on. I am registered for an 11 mile trail ... »

Back to School: The Importance of Family

<!--StartFragment--> Is Your Family Important? Our summer vacations are now history and it’s time to get back into the routine. When the carefree days of summer are over, family members seem to take on larger responsibilities. This seems to be the time of the year when families reevaluate their priorities. Have you given much thought to what is at the top of your list? God Ordain... »

(video) baptism is primarily a symbol of _____________.

(video) baptism is primarily a symbol of _____________.


Need a quiet retreat for prayer?

Your prayer room is open during the church's regularly staffed office hours Monday-Friday. »