Author: ourCOG

Agree 17

Agree 17

There is power in a family of believers united in prayer, petitioning our Heavenly Father! Mark your calendars, spread the word, and join us January 10-12, via livestream, for Agree 17! »

Dr. David Cooper – Words That Win

Dr. David Cooper – Words That Win

Dr. David Cooper, Senior Pastor at Mount Paran Church of God teaches the message “Words That Win” from his fourteen part series “Proverbs: Winning at the Game of Life.” For more information on his ministry or how you can get involved at Mount Paran Church of God visit the church’s website here: Original Sermon Date: August 23rd 2015 »

Five Things that Happen when You Fast | Jentezen Franklin

Five Things that Happen when You Fast | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Five Things that Happen when You Fast”. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your testimony to encourage us and others: http://ww... »

Forward in Faith First Broadcast (December 7, 1958)

Forward in Faith First Broadcast (December 7, 1958)

The first Church of God “Forward in Faith” national radio broadcast aired on Sunday, December 7, 1958. Bennie S. Triplett was the program director and announcer. Music included “Living by Faith” (Forward in Faith Ladies Trio), “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” (FiF Choir), “Faith for Today” (Choir with soloist Roosevelt Miller), and “Faith of Our Fathers” (FiF Quartet). Speaker Earl Paulk Jr., the... »