Author: ourCOG

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Like ‘Leave The World Behind’ Before It, New Netflix Predictive Programming Series ‘Zero Day’ Shows Coming Attack On America

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Like ‘Leave The World Behind’ Before It, New Netflix Predictive Programming Series ‘Zero Day’ Shows Coming Attack On America

The same people who brought you ‘Leave The World Behind’ have done it again with release of ‘Zero Day’ cyberattack thriller about war on Americans by the American government Back in 2023, Netflix released the Obama film ‘Leave The World Behind’ which showed the American government enacting a 3-Stage Process to wag civil war upon […] The post NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Like ‘Leave The World Behind... »

This world grows increasingly anti-Christian

Yet the Western church acts as though these things will never happen here. »

How Leaders Can Be Lifelong Learners


Interesting article on the leader of the new Faith Office

Don’t agree with everything in the article, nor its author. Just sharing one man’s perspective. »