Author: ourCOG

“Your Gift Will Make Room for You” with Jentezen Franklin

“Your Gift Will Make Room for You” with Jentezen Franklin

Watch “Your Gift Will Make Room for You Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel. »

Dino Rizzo

Dino Rizzo

Message begins around 28:18. Filmed at Omega Center Internation, Cleveland, TN. »

4 +1 = BE AMAZED

As I was drinking my Powerade (those who know me know why I had to go run down to the cafe and buy one quick), listening to the song "Good Good Father" while waiting outside the OR and Sherin is being prepped inside, a dear close friend sends a text an... »

TN Senate Bill 2387 / TN House Bill 2414 for TN public schools and universities

TN Senate Bill 2387 / TN House Bill 2414 for TN public schools and universities

TN Senate Bill 2387 / TN House Bill 2414 This bill requires students in TN public schools and universities to use the restrooms and locker rooms of their birth sex. Bill is on solid legal ground under Title IX and all recent case law. It would protect a student’s right to privacy and safety. It preserves parental authority and fosters a safer environment, more conducive to learning and education. ... »