Author: ourCOG

First person to speak in tongues in the Assemblies of GOD

First person to speak in tongues in the Assemblies of God was William Jethro Walthall of the Holiness Baptist Churches of Southwestern Arkansas »

First person to speak in tongues in the Assemblies of God was William Jethro Walthall of the Holiness Baptist Churches of Southwestern Arkansas

By Glenn Gohr A/G Heritage, Fall 1992 Although the modern Pentecostal movement relates its beginnings to Charles Parham, who formulated classical Pentecostal theology at his Bible school in Topeka at the turn of the century, throughout history, from apostolic times to the present, there have been certain religious groups and isolated cases of individuals who […] »


ABBA FATHER; MAKE MY HEART PURE! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: “One who LOVES A PURE HEART and WHO SPEAKS WITH GRACE will have the king for a... »

How would Jesus look at cultural drinks?

How would Jesus look at cultural drinks? »