Author: ourCOG


ACTS 13. VERY INTERESTING. Seems here a blend of Contemporay Theological Constructs are at work. Are They?.. Acts 13. David is mentioned As being... »

“3 for Free” EZview Conferencing

“3 for Free” – Use EZview Conferencing free for web conferences and online meetings of up to 3 participants. What’s the Catch? – None. “3 for Free” EZview Conferencing does not require a credit card and has no limits on how often you have online meetings, how long those meetings run, or how long you [...] »

Is predestination biblical?

Question: “What is predestination? Is predestination biblical?” Answer: Romans 8:29-30 tells us, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the... »

William Seymour: Hero of the Faith

I promise…last post I will push out today! William Seymour has a spiritual impartation that he was born with but never understood. Do you... »