Author: ourCOG

Epiphany 2016: ‘Three Kings Day’ of the Magi

Epiphany 2016: ‘Three Kings Day’ It’s the day the Magi visited Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Were they really just 3?... »

Christianity is being “silenced” in public says the Christian Institute

Christianity is being “silenced” in public says the Christian Institute »

Hundred committed sexual assaults and robberies near Cologne

Hundreds of men committed sexual assaults and robberies near Cologne Cathedral on New Year’s Eve The incident, in which men, reportedly of Arab or... »

OCI Vision Casting 2016

OCI Vision Casting 2016

Join us for a small, roundtable service with Robby James and Perry Stone. Visit us at to submit your prayer requests. You can give tithe and offerings to the ministry at »