Author: ourCOG

Inside the Ministry- October 1, 2013

The team members, volunteers and staff at OCI and VOE are continually working almost non-stop, preparing the OCI facility and the OCI Ranch for the Main Event and the Fall Festival. If you have never attended one of the Main Events over the past several years, you should make an effort to attend this one!  The spiritual encouragement and impartation received is literally priceless.  The ... »


A recent report involving a mining company in Western Pennsylvania has caused a stir among the Evangelical Christians in the area. The company was requiring all of its employees to begin using a bio-metric scanning system that would track them on the... »


The majority of Christians have knowledge on the subject of the seven feasts, or festivals of Israel. God required all men - over twenty years of age in Israel, to attend three of the seven feasts in Jerusalem and celebrate in His presence. These were Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.       Presently, VOE hosts a Partner’s conference in June and the Main Event in fal... »

Video: ‘A Portrait of Jewish Americans’ Overview

Alan Cooperman, deputy director of the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project, presented an overview of the findings of the Pew Research survey of U.S. Jews at an Oct. 1 event in New York City, hosted by the Neubauer Family Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts. To see more video by the Pew […] »