Author: ourCOG

Chapter 4: Religious Beliefs and Practices

On a variety of measures, Jews are less religious than the general public. For example, roughly one-quarter of Jews say religion is very important in their lives, compared with more than half of Americans overall. Similarly, a quarter of Jews say they attend religious services at least once or twice a month, compared with 50% […] »

Some Day

Image Credit Some day all things will be set right. Some day all things will be made new. Some day there will be a new heaven and earth. Some day New Jerusalem will come down to meet us. Some day the dwelling place of God will be with us. Some day there will be no […] Related posts:Is It Possible For Your Life To Be A Prophetic Voice To The World? Look What I Found At The Ocean Wounds Can ... »



5 Reasons We Should Focus on Poverty Instead of Abortion

Abortion tops a short list of angst-inducing moral issues generating a great deal of fervor and passion for a lot American evangelicals. For many, it’s the sole issue dictating how they’ll vote in any election. While you’d never find me arguing for the validity of abortion (I wouldn’t), I think it’s time for Christians to […] »