Author: ourCOG

Regardless of Your Past, You Have a Future!

Remember Paul?   Talk about a man of TRUE GRIT!  This guy was shipwrecked, beaten and left for dead, snake bitten, and thrown in prison.  He just refused to quit or be silenced.  He was one of the founding fathers of the New Testament Church and wrote about two-thirds of the New Testament portion of the […] »

Audio and Slides: Religion Trends in the U.S.

Event Audio Download mp3 Americans’ Weakening Ties to Organized Religion, 1973-2012: Generations & Politics Michael Hout New York University Claude S. Fischer University of California, Berkeley Hout&fischer pew 8 aug from Pew Research Center The Significance of the Rise of the Nones: Fundamental Change in Religiosity or Ch... »

Happy 127th birthday to #ourCOG

On August 19, 1886 a group of believers gathered in a millhouse on the banks of Barney Creek in Monroe County, Tennessee for a meeting. From that inauspicious beginning, the movement that became the Church of God was born. Eight willing vessels extended to one another the right hand of fellowship and formed the Christian Union. From then until now the thread of fellowship and pure faith remains un... »

It Is Not Enough To Be Free; We Must Live Free.

 Image Credit Isaiah 55:1 (ESV) “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. In Isaiah 54, God has offered forgiveness and now in chapter 55 the call to walk in forgiveness is given. It is […] Related posts:Christ-Like In A Caesar-Like World Are You Left, Right, or…? S... »