Author: ourCOG

Part 19 – The Beatitudes

Part 19 – The Beatitudes

I created this video using my Logitech webcam software. »

That Verse Before

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Philippians 4:12 I’d rather live a Philippians 4:13 type life. But that […] »

New Survey Analysis on Morality of Abortion, Stem Cell Research and IVF

Washington, D.C. — Regardless of their views about the legality of abortion, most Americans think that having an abortion is a moral issue, according to a new survey analysis by the Pew Research Center. By contrast, the public is much less likely to see other issues involving human embryos – such as stem cell research […] »

Abortion Viewed in Moral Terms: Fewer See Stem Cell Research and IVF as Moral Issues

Regardless of their views about the legality of abortion, most Americans think that having an abortion is a moral issue. By contrast, the public is much less likely to see other issues involving human embryos – such as stem cell research or in vitro fertilization – as a matter of morality. »