Author: ourCOG

The Four Gospels of the New Bulgarian Translation Published

We are both happy and humbled to announce the publication of the Tetraevangelion of of the New Bulgarian Translation including: Matthew (2011) Mark (2010) Luke: Gospel and Acts (2013) John: Gospel, Epistles and Apocalypse (2007) This final volume has been almost ten years in the making as it combines all four previously published volumes. It [...] »

It Looked Better in My Head

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4  Your calling looks better in your head than in real life. Inside, safely tucked away in your synapses, the […] »

5 Tips for Debating without Embarrassing Christ

It’s hard to read the comments on a YouTube video or blog post and not feeling like you’re dredging the bottom of the human experience. When you combine contrary personal opinions and anonymity, people can get awful. Christians aren’t immune … Continue reading → »

The Walls We Build

The Walls We Build

THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA In ancient times cities were surrounded by walls to serve as a distinction between the cities and also to protect them from their enemies. Some walls were so thick (as around Jericho) that the occupants … Continue reading → »