Author: ourCOG

Tennessee pastor goes undercover as homeless man for week

By Tim Parrish, Gannett Tennessee CLARKSVILLE, TENN. – A pastor telling his or her congregation to love others and look out for the welfare of those less fortunate is not a major sermon. It’s said every Sunday from the pulpit by preachers, pastors and ministers all across America. But has it been said so often that people have quit listening or tuned out the message of “living li... »

Inside the Ministry- August 1, 2013

OCI dedication was "off the chain" 20 more seats availabe on the Partner's bus Prayer Barn every Thursday night  Read more... »


This year has flown by.  It seems only last week it was a rainy and cold winter in this close-knit community of Cleveland.  Now, we are talking about the fall months and the up-coming events that are linked to the VOE and OCI Ministries. The... »

Sick on the Scenic Route

“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.” Philippians 3:12 On my way home from North Carolina, I followed my impulse to jump on the Blue Ridge Parkway that meanders along the spine of the […] »