Author: ourCOG

Time Spent on Business Tasks


Don’t Miss The Song Of Emptiness

I’ve have found that the worst thing to do with emptiness is to try and run from it. If you run from emptiness, you will miss the song. Emptiness that is not avoided, causes you to ask questions you would otherwise never ask. Emptiness is not the valley of death, but rather, the valley of [...] Related posts:Which Voice Will You Choose? God Is Never Absent In Your Life. Hold On! Are You Fai... »

The Biggest Mistake of My Marriage

We’ve all made big mistakes in our marriage, but for me, there was none quite as costly as the BIG one I made very early on… One day as my wife was ironing my shirt, I realized that she wasn’t exactly doing it the way I wanted it done.  (Disclaimer, the following has been edited [...] »

What People Think Of You: To Care or Not To Care?

  “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.” – Galatians 1:10 Let me ask you one simple question: Do you care about what people think of you? If you answered “yes”, then thank … »