Author: ourCOG

Glass Houses and Walking Zombies

Glass Houses and Walking Zombies

God wants our private life, and our public life to line up for His glory. It’s been said, “Integrity is what you do when no one is watching; it’s doing the right thing all the time, even when it may work to your disadvantage.” There have been times in my life that I’ve played the [...] Related posts: 5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Your Loved One Your Life Is A Letter Of God Turning A Bad M... »

New Home of Let Me Now Run

Welcome to the new home of Let Me Now Run blog. I have decided to move to blogger for a couple reasons: one, I already have another blog on blogger and two, it seems much more user friendly. Please tell your friends and comment on the new layout. It is... »

Chaplaincy Perspectives for Bulgaria

Chaplaincy Perspectives for Bulgaria

With the crises within the Bible College system of Bulgaria and the potential change of status for the Bulgarian Evangelical Theological Institute (Theological Seminary) in Sofia, the professional programs offered thus far will have to be assimilated into some liberal art schools with a newly evaluated perspective on Christian education in Bulgaria or they will [...] »

Make Changes, Not War

Excuses ooze out our pores. Even typing this article, several have already planted themselves firmly in my can’t-finish zone: coffee needs to be drunk and sports news needs to be checked. Being a leader means not only blasting through our own reticence to change, but also undermining the excuses of others. And they’ll have plenty [...] »