Author: ourCOG

Reformation Chapel – October 30, 2012

Reformation Chapel – October 30, 2012

Reformation Chapel in the Lee University Chapel. October 30, 2012 Preacher: Don Bowdle Liturgist: Heidi Johnson Music Director: William Green Organist: Matthew Krepps »

The Dream of the Red and Blue Fish

The Dream of the Red and Blue Fish

Since 1992, each election year, I have received a direct revelation on either who would be elected or a specific pattern linked to the person who was elected as the President of the United States.  This is the first year that I have not received a... »

Our First Annual Fall Festival

Our First Annual Fall Festival

If you follow us on Facebook or on the Perry Stone Ministry Facebook page, you have seen the updates and the pictures of our first annual fall festival.  Those who showed up were blessed with non-stop Gospel music under the pavilion, all types of ... »

Leaving A Legacy That Counts (4 Tips)

Leaving A Legacy That Counts (4 Tips)

  Every person wants to be remembered. We want to be remembered, not only in this present time, but we also want to be remembered after we are gone. Today, I encourage you to take an inventory of your life in light of leaving a legacy behind. You will be remembered. You will leave some [...] Related posts: How To Witness If You’re Shy 5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Your Loved On... »