Author: ourCOG

Invisible Warfare 101 Part 2

Invisible Warfare 101 Part 2

Perry Stone teaches on spiritual warfare from Israel. »

Encouragement To Face Your (Can’t) Moment

Encouragement To Face Your (Can’t) Moment

I always try to throw more reasons why I can do something into the mix than I do the reasons I can’t. You should also. Let’s face it, life can be tough, but you can always be tougher. If you look hard enough, and deep enough, you will find more reasons why you can do [...] Related posts: 4 Tips For Developing Godly Self-Confidence 4 Tips For Frustration Winning Over The Voice Of Self Condemnation »

Theological Entrenchment: Righter than Thou

If I went to school to study mathematics, I’d (hopefully) be receiving the same education wherever I went. Maybe I’d study different techniques, but they should lead me to the same sums. It’s been said that mathematics is the universal language. … Continue reading → »

4 Tips For Frustration

4 Tips For Frustration

Are you frustrated and feeling stuck? Each of us has been there. You feel like at every turn there is another dead-end waiting to greet you. You are stuck, and trying really hard only seems to make it worse. Sound familiar? I’ve been frustrated and stuck many times in my life. I just wanted to [...] Related posts: 4 Tips For Developing Godly Self-Confidence Winning Over The Voice Of Self Condemnat... »