Author: ourCOG

Prayer Warriors, Politicians Unite in Prayer Rally

Michele Bachmann. David Barton. J.C. Watts. These are among the leaders coming together at River Church in Tampa on Sunday for an event called Prayer Rally for America’s Future. The prayer rally has a single purpose: committing the United States and ... »

Vision 2020 Aims to Help Ministries Raise $1 Billion by 2020

Vision 2020 Aims to Help Ministries Raise $1 Billion by 2020

What’s your vision? The Vision Group wants to help you bring it to life through a new fundraising campaign called Vision 2020. The campaign focuses on helping Christian ministries and non-profit organizations around the world raise their part of $1 b... »

Survey: Religious Hostility Rising in America

Given the recent backlash against Chick-fil-A and the Family Research Council shooting, it’s not hard to see the rise of religious hostility in the U.S. Now, Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council (FRC) are offering the results of a survey... »

#REVIVAL LIVE with @RevSDH at Higher Praise Church of God located in Cherry Log, GA #ourCOG
