Author: ourCOG

Why I Decided to Publish Pentecostal Primitivism?

Why I Decided to Publish Pentecostal Primitivism?

Dony K. Donev Pentecostal Primitivism is the title of my master’s thesis completed over a decade ago. It was significant to me because the research changed my perspective on Pentecostalism completely. Traditionally, we have assigned our faith paradigm to the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. But Pentecostal faith is much simpler and straight forward. The Pentecostal experience simplified [...] »

Arizona Shooting Victim Gives God Glory for His Life

As Doris Tucker scrunched down to the ground, chaos all around her, one thought was on her mind. When will the bullets stop flying? “I had my hands on my ears and I was screaming,” said Tucker, who had just finished shaking hands with then-... »

714-Project Calls for Day of Prayer, Repentance

Yet another call is going out for prayer and repentance in America. The latest prayer event is set for July 14. It’s called the 714-Project and, like many before it, organizers are pointing to 1 Chron. 7:14, “If My people who are called by My name ... »

July 2012 Voice of Evangelism Newsletter

July 2012 Voice of Evangelism Newsletter

Voice of Evangelism Newsletter Latest Information July 2012 In This Issue VOE MAGAZINE THE POCKETWATCH UPCOMING EVENTS VOE MAGAZINE The latest VOE M... »