Author: ourCOG

Chaplains Comfort Wildfire Victims

Depending on whether you see the glass as half empty or half full, the High Park wildfires near Fort Collins, Colo., as of Tuesday, are either 55 percent contained, or 45 percent non-contained. For homeowners in this community north of Denver, it’s m... »

Around the World Walk Reaches 40,000 Miles

Guinness World Record holder Arthur Blessitt has reached forty thousand miles. This is the longest around the world walk in history. June 25, 2012 Arthur crossed the historic mark carrying a 12 foot cross in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. An enthusiastic c... »

Military Chaplains Losing Freedoms

Although the U.S. Military fight and die to uphold freedom, high-level military chaplains report they are increasingly being denied freedom of conscience and freedom of speech. There is also alarm about the negative effects on troop morale over the und... »

Thousands to Gather in the Heart of Toronto to Pray for Canada

On July 28, thousands of Christians will converge at Massey Hall for a day of prayer, worship and fasting for the City of Toronto and the nation of Canada. TheCRY Toronto is a large-scale prayer event that is part of the international CRY Movement. Org... »