Author: ourCOG

Answers Bring Muslims to Christ

Muslims from Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Algeria, Kuwait, Iraq, and Morocco are coming to Jesus as they have their questions about the Christian faith answered on air. One of Miracle Channel’s four weekly live programs that invite viewe... »

Activists Warn of Sharia Law Threat

There’s growing concern that shariah law is creeping into America, with some U.S. judges even citing Islamic law in their rulings. Activists are now working to shine light on what they call shariah’s war on women. A vast coalition met in Wa... »

Franklin Graham Says Obama Has ‘Shaken Fist at God’

Franklin Graham has some strong words for President Obama in the wake of his decision to support same-sex marriage. “In changing his position from that of Senator/candidate Obama, President Obama has, in my view, shaken his fist at the same God who c... »

A Cat Will Never Act Like An Apple

There is an old saying that I just made up: “A cat will never act like an apple.”  I know, I know, if we had a nickel for every time we heard that one… (finish your own joke about never having a nickel…).  It’s absurd, but it is very true.  They are completely different things. […] »