Author: ourCOG

Don’t Forget Us

Don’t Forget Us

Whispering through the treesI hear the sound of voices,Telling tales my ancestors toldLong ago.They lived,Worked,Played,And died here in these woods.And they still live,Through me,Every time I make my way home from the city.This poem © Kevin Walker. P... »

The Power of Meditating on the Lord

The Power of Meditating on the Lord

Perry Stone teaches from Israel. »

New TBN Program Takes Gospel to Prisoners

With more than 2 million adults serving time in America’s prison system, there is a great need for programs that bring hope and encouragement to men, women and youth behind bars. The world’s largest religious broadcaster is meeting that need throug... »

Political Mudslinging Is Un-Christian

Apathy is the surest way to enable tyranny. We should welcome and embrace a spirited political discourse. Yet during the course of that discussion, we should never forget the distinction between the opposition and the enemy. America’s enemies seek to... »