Author: ourCOG

Did you DIE?

At Shabbach DC, Pastor Daniel Gray preached a powerful word on Sunday asking if YOU had DIED yet. One of the reasons that the change doesn't stick after a conference like Shabbach is that some of us did not DIE. We tried to add God into the mix of a cRaZy lifestyle when what we really needed to do was to put that old stuff to death and be resurrected into a new life in Him. Don't believe me&hellip... »

Lee University to Host ‘Lee Day 2012′

Lee University will host its annual Lee Day weekend on Friday and Saturday, April 13-14. The celebrated campus-wide event welcomes hundreds of prospective students, their families, and youth leaders across the United States to Lee’s campus. Lee Day w... »

Couple Fired for Being ‘Too Religious’ Gets Settlement

Can you be fired and kicked out of your home for being too religious? Apparently, you can. Hallmark Management Company has settled with Daniel and Sharon Dixon in such a case. Hallmark fired and evicted the couple from a property management position fo... »

Seven Dead in Christian University Shooting

Oakland, Calif.–A former student opened fire at a private Christian university in California on Monday, killing seven people. The shooting started around midmorning at Oikos University, a vocational school offering studies in Asian medicine, theo... »