Author: ourCOG

Cosmic Calling

In this 12-minute screencast I share a model for seeing and understanding all that takes place in the world, both seen and unseen, and how we all fit into the … Continue reading → »

Orthodox Study Bible

Orthodox Study Bible

Orthodox Christianity is the face of ancient Christianity to the modern world and embraces the second largest body of Christians in the world. In this first-of-its-kind study Bible, the Bible is presented with commentary from the ancient Christian perspective that speaks to those Christians who seek a deeper experience of the roots of their faith. Features Include: Old Testament newly translated f... »

Evangelist Funds Churches with Project Blessing

Evangelist Terry McIntosh uses the “Push” theory to raise money for Churches and his own ministry – that is by giving away from himself to bless others first. He says, “It’s a win-win for everyone, and a real God send to h... »

ABC Blasphemes Jesus with New Show ‘GCB’

ABC-TV has taken blasphemy against God, the Bible, God’s church, and Jesus Christ to new levels of depravity. An advertisement for ABC’s new program, GCB, found in a New York subway, not only is a blasphemous use of the biblical command to “Love ... »