Author: ourCOG

UNC Wants Christian Club to Let Unbelievers Lead

The University of North Carolina-Greensboro (UNCC) is saying a Christian student club isn’t religious—and because it’s not religious, the “Make Up Your Own Mind” club must allow students from other religious and belief systems to become membe... »


There is a good bit of repetition in the gospels, stories that are told more than once. This is especially true in the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). There … Continue reading → »

My Jesus is Mightier Still

My Jesus is Mightier Still

Read Psalm 93. Sometimes we struggle in how we look at difficult situations in our life. Hear the news a loved one is sick… See a family crumbling… A financial difficulty arises… See someone we love facing addiction… We need a reminder that our God is still mightier than the situation at hand. We need a reason to trust Him in the midst of what we are... »

Before Scandal Breaks

Before Scandal Breaks

Anytime a scandal is about to be revealed, there is one logical thing that has to happen. The house needs to be cleaned. Operation Clean House (OCH) is a thoroughly thought through plan that is designed to be launched at a very strategic time before scandal breaks. Such timing will be after parties have [...] »