Author: ourCOG

I love to belittle the littles. It helps me remember that I’m in charge. #ourCOG

I love to belittle the littles. It helps me remember that I'm in charge. #ourCOG »

do something

do something

I direct a non-profit orphan relief organization called International Orphan Support (IOS for short). This week, on our facebook page, I posted the picture on the left. We received a lot of interaction on it, so I thought I would also post it here. This photo was taken at a Siem Reap, Cambodia orphanage by [...] »

Rebuilding the Walls.m4v

Rebuilding the Walls.m4v

Join us we look deeper into what areas of our lives need rebuilding »

Exposing the Jezebel Spirit

Exposing the Jezebel Spirit

Jonas Clark teaching on the Jezebel spirit. Do you REALLY want to know the truth? Will you deal with the truth once it has been revealed to you? Jonas lays out the truth of how Jezebel operates. »