Author: ourCOG

Th Messages are Really Flowing

Th Messages are Really Flowing

Since the beginning of December, until the last part of January, I have set aside several weeks to pursue the will of God concerning the many messages and revelations he desires to release in this prophetic seasons. Actually, in all of my years of mini... »

We Lost the Cat!

We Lost the Cat!

This is the second time it has happened to our family. Years ago when we lived at Brook wood Estates, Jonathan had a cat named Spice. The grey striped cat was a very playful and rather mischievous fellow who on one occasion jumped up on a counter the... »

Inside the Ministry Update February 1, 2012

Breaking the Apocalypse Code Bible Study is now available 2012 Israel Tour booking now open Ground breaking for the Omega Center International February 23rd Check out the Stone report for more updates Read more... »

Prolepsis (A Word for the Weary)

Prolepsis is a literary term that refers to flash forwards, foreshadowing, and/or anticipation in a story. In terms of our walk with God, prolepsis is a future event that impacts our present … Continue reading → »