Author: ourCOG

Bulgaria in Pictures: Streets

underground tzarevets ... »

He Quiets My Soul

He Quiets My Soul

We Rest in the Finished Work of ChristRead Psalm 131.Contentment and satisfaction are not the same. If you're satisfied in your relationship with the Lord, you won’t be content in life. You won’t find peace there. But, if you aren’t satisfied, and want to know Him and pursue Him more, you’ll find an ever-growing peace and contentment in life.SAUL’s soul beca... »

@RevJJackson enjoyed your talk today at UofNE; TRULY inspiring: "we have the right to fight for the right" #OccupyLincoln #ourCOG

@RevJJackson enjoyed your talk today at UofNE; TRULY inspiring: "we have the right to fight for the right" #OccupyLincoln #ourCOG »

RT @Cog_Swagger: Had a CD burning party tonight at church …my granddaughter seemed excited about burning all of her friend’s lady GaGa cds. GLORY #ourCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: Had a CD burning party tonight at church granddaughter seemed excited about burning all of her friend's lady GaGa cds. GLORY #ourCOG »