Author: ourCOG

Dennis Page Can speak spanish in 3 different languages #ourCOG #letusDPin2012

Dennis Page Can speak spanish in 3 different languages #ourCOG #letusDPin2012 »

Dennis Page was in all six Star Wars movies as … the Force #ourCOG #letusDPin2012

Dennis Page was in all six Star Wars movies as ... the Force #ourCOG #letusDPin2012 »

I’m astonished at the out pouring support for Dennis Page to be our next GO. He can iron his shirt while wearing it. #ourCOG #letusDPin2012

I'm astonished at the out pouring support for Dennis Page to be our next GO. He can iron his shirt while wearing it. #ourCOG #letusDPin2012 »

Want to join me on a great trip?!

Want to join me on a great trip?!

I’m going on a big trip soon…one of those kinds of trips that make you a little nervous…and pumped at the same time. And, while you can’t exactly come with me, I’d like to give you a sort of invite.  Check it out: In January, I’m riding my bike from Vietnam across Cambodia to Bangkok, [...] »