Author: ourCOG

Which One Are You?

Which One Are You?

One day an ox said to a mule, 'Let's pretend to be sick.' The mule said, 'No, we need to get this work done.' The ox feigned illness, and the farmer brought him fresh hay. When the mule came in from plowing, the ox asked how things went and th... »

RT @Cog_Swagger: How much rain does it take in order for it to be our christian right to start building an ark? #ourCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: How much rain does it take in order for it to be our christian right to start building an ark? #ourCOG »

How much rain does it take in order for it to be our christian right to start building an ark? #ourCOG

How much rain does it take in order for it to be our christian right to start building an ark? #ourCOG »

When I told my grandson that there is a snake handling preacher who ministers with a cobra, he asked if he is cobra commander. proud #ourCOG

When I told my grandson that there is a snake handling preacher who ministers with a cobra, he asked if he is cobra commander. proud #ourCOG »