Author: ourCOG

@Cog_Swagger @ColbyKaluzniak I’m not sure if "darn tootin" is appropriate language for #ourCOG discussions. Let’s keep our H rating.

@Cog_Swagger @ColbyKaluzniak I'm not sure if "darn tootin" is appropriate language for #ourCOG discussions. Let's keep our H rating. »

time to get tough

time to get tough

As far as I know, there are only two ways to get tough: 1 – you’re born tough. You know those kids – they usually have big heads and thick bodies. They dominate sandlot football because no one can tackle them. 2 – you learn to be tough through repetitive practice. If you take enough [...] »

@ColbyKaluzniak I darn tootin have read it. I read the first edition when it was a pamphlet . #ourCOG

@ColbyKaluzniak I darn tootin have read it. I read the first edition when it was a pamphlet . #ourCOG »

Shut-the-front-door #ourCOG is not cool with snake handling. I might be in trouble.

Shut-the-front-door #ourCOG is not cool with snake handling. I might be in trouble. »