Author: ourCOG

12. Nepotism and coming off a stint at head quarters is the backbone of all good Ministries. Thanks Nephew Livingston #COGallout #ourCOG

12. Nepotism and coming off a stint at head quarters is the backbone of all good Ministries. Thanks Nephew Livingston #COGallout #ourCOG »

15. Must have two 8 track with chauffeurs blowing the whole time #COGallout #ourCOG

15. Must have two 8 track with chauffeurs blowing the whole time #COGallout #ourCOG »

RT @MarthaMunizzi Why worry? Our God is a BIG GOD! #ConfidentFaith/ oh yea! Make it BIG make it LOUD, SHOUT it all around the world! #ourCOG

RT @MarthaMunizzi Why worry? Our God is a BIG GOD! #ConfidentFaith/ oh yea! Make it BIG make it LOUD, SHOUT it all around the world! #ourCOG »

Be Careful The Associations You Make

Walk with the wise and become wise;associate with fools and get in trouble. (Proverbs 13:20 NLT)Associations have the power to shape our character! Most of us would SAY that we do not hang out with our enemies, however, the opposite is true in some cas... »