Author: ourCOG

It is easy to find all the Jean wearing, seating on stool preachers; they are all at #cat11 . You guys need a trip to the alter! #ourCOG

It is easy to find all the Jean wearing, seating on stool preachers; they are all at #cat11 . You guys need a trip to the alter! #ourCOG »

Catalyst 2011 – Dave Ramsey Takeaways

Catalyst 2011 – Dave Ramsey Takeaways

Bar none, there is no one on TV who makes as much common sense as Dave Ramsey…pure genius…brutal honesty about finances, stewardship and life.  Here are some of my favorites from today’s session: In the marketplace, Christians should be “roaring lambs!” In order to be present, you have to know that people matter. You have [...] »

Catalyst 2011 – Jim Collins Takeaways

Catalyst 2011 – Jim Collins Takeaways

Perhaps the only leadership guys I enjoy more than Jim Collins are Ken Blanchard and John Maxwell.  Jim Collins is purely genius though.  His books, Good to Great and How the Mighty Fall have been substantial books in my life.  So, any time I get to pick up some nuggets from him like I did [...] »

Catalyst 2011 – Andy Stanley Takeaways

Catalyst 2011 – Andy Stanley Takeaways

Andy Stanley, senior pastor of North Point Church in Atlanta, GA opened Catalyst 2011.  He’s an exceptional leader/communicator. He shared about accessibility, success, engagement, and being present…very good stuff as always.  Here are a few thoughts that stood out to me: The more successful you are, the less accessible you become (whether you like it [...] »