Author: ourCOG

Is It Possible For Your Life To Be A Prophetic Voice To The World?

Is it possible for your life to be a prophetic voice to the world? Can your life and mine as Christ followers be lived in such a way that our everyday life can describe and predict what will happen in the future? I believe the answer is an indisputable, “yes.” The moment you trust Jesus [...] Related posts:Does Your Life Promote The Future? I Want To Be Labeled. Do you? You Are A Meet... »

Humility at the Derby

BLOGMay 6th 2013Humility at the Derby ShabbachMC, along with Pastor Michael Goins and Patrick Goins, spent our time working the Kentucky Derby this week.  We would start our mornings at 5:00AM bright and early so that we could arrive at Churchill Downs by 5:30AM.  It was after the first morning that I realized that this week was going to be a character building week for me.  Most of... »

Letter to America

Even though you can’t stand my exclusive cries for true freedom; even though you’d rather I show more toleration with my mouth shut; even though you hear my sermons as an assault upon the things you hold sacred; even though you’d haul me to court to make me fall in line; even though your movies […] »

Flesh vs. Spirit

  “For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other.” – Galatians 5:17 A battle. A consistent, every day battle. A battle that will never stop. A battle that you cannot run from. A battle that you were predestined to win.  … »