Author: ourCOG

Hobby Lobby Sues Government Over Abortion-Inducing Pills

Privately held retail chain Hobby Lobby filed a lawsuit Wednesday opposing the Health and Human Services mandate. David Green, founder and CEO of the arts and craft store company, says faith has been an integral part of the business since the beginning... »

Youth Group Rallies College Students to Vote Pro-Life

Students for Life of America just launched a nationwide effort to educate 300,000 voters and recruit 1,200 Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) youth volunteers through its I Vote Pro-Life First Initiative this fall. The initiative asks every American, particularly... »

National Care for Pastors Sunday Announced

The nonprofit ministry Care for Pastors, Inc. announced today the inception of National Care for Pastors Sunday — a day for churches across the nation to express appreciation to ministers and their families, to be celebrated on the second Sunday ... »

Jesus Looks Beyond Politics

People didn’t vote in ancient Israel, nor did they put “KICK THE ROMANS OUT!” bumper stickers on their chariots. But there was plenty of political anger seething in Palestine, even without Fox News, CNN and MSNBC around to stir the pot. By J.... »