Author: ourCOG

Shabbach Conference PF – Nic Kennington

This is my fifth year attending Shabbach and my first year as a volunteer staff member.  I came this weekend with the mindset that God was going to use me in a mighty way and I was blown away with what He did.  He not only used me to change other people’s lives but he also touched me.  I was on the altar team and after Pastor Daniel Gray’s message Friday night, the alt... »

“I Know”

“I Know”

Yesterday I spent some time walking and praying on the land I lease for hunting. I love hunting for various reasons, but mostly I love it because it gives me time alone with God in the woods. I love how the sun comes up in the morning, and the animals begin to move. It truly [...] Related posts:Guilt And The Lap Of God God Is Never Absent In Your Life. Hold On! Trusting God When There Is No Fix »

This Was Fun

Looking back, I really had a good time with this series.  I know I learned so much and the Holy Spirit taught me a lot about the text and bringing it to life.  It felt like reading through a short story with every emotion, highs and lows, dif... »

God’s Mercies

God’s Mercies

Lamentations 3:22-23 22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “New every morning” I love those three words. There is something remarkable about starting over each day. There is something extraordinary about how God faithfully wakes us [...] Related posts:Does It Matter How Those Outside... »