Author: ourCOG

NEXT Sunday, September 4

NEXT Sunday, September 4, we all meet in the sanctuary at 9:45 to hear from our new SBS facilitators about their classes. »

Tell Me, Who’s Being Intolerant

Today I went out for a bit and had lunch and then went decided to just knock around for a bit and I went to a pawn shop. I do that from time to time, just browsing to see what kind of bargains might be lurking. I was just about ready to leave the pawn ... »

Team Values to Live by

Recently i was asked by our exe. pastor to make a list of values that we as a staff team should live by when dealing with each other. It sent me on a journey, so i thought i would share my thoughts with you.Tell me what you think of these 10 Values to live by as a teammate.There are some things that should be the desire from all staff members. Here are ten values, I as a staff should live, love &a... »

A quick quote to keep you going…

“He who has done his best for his own time has lived for all times.” _V.J. Featherstone   »