Author: ourCOG

Gun bills may be a long shot

Gun bills may be a long shot

Despite supporters’ hopes that this time it’s different, President Barack Obama’s new call for restricting some semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines will face deeply entrenched resistance in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and could be a long shot even in the Democratic-led Senate. Any gun legislation sent to the House “is going to have to pa... »

P0wned by Identity, Bought by a Savior

“You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.” (1 Corinthians 6:20b) Arguments about “identity” should end at this verse. For non-Christians, it’s meaningless noise. For Christians, it’s everything. We own nothing from our hair follicles to our toenails. Every drop of cytoplasm, every hormone, every spark of our synapses was paid […] »

Others First?

Others First?

Roman 1:9 God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you I can always tell when I’m slipping away from God with my whole heart because the tale-tale sign is I start to think of others less. Thinking of others is [...] Related posts:Don’t Fail To Live The Gospel Below Becoming Fully Human Invited To Greatness; Invit... »

You need #JESUS

You need #JESUS
