When you have lost a page of your sermon notes, holy spirit time. Its what #tebow does. #OurCOG #COG #preachingtips
When you have lost a page of your sermon notes, holy spirit time. Its what #tebow does. #OurCOG #COG #preachingtips »
When you have lost a page of your sermon notes, holy spirit time. Its what #tebow does. #OurCOG #COG #preachingtips »
@MichaelHyatt @RonEdmondson recent study shows more extroverts are joining the ministry & more introverts in the ministry give it up #ourCOG »
TORNADO WATCH in CLEVELAND? Seriously? Been back but for a week since the APRIL storm and there it is again #ourCOG Am I Jonah, Lord? »
#COG #ourCOG #occupyChristmas RT @erguncaner: I love wishing all the Muslim, Hindu & White-Dredlocked Hippies MERRY CHRISTMAS. Loud & Proud. »