Author: ourCOG

It’s God’s Trombone Now

It’s God’s Trombone Now

This past Sunday was Anniversary Sunday at Mount Paran North. That is the day where we look back and celebrate what God has done this past year. As a part of the day we heard a little bit of Marion’s story. I thought I would share it here. »

The 2nd Coming and the Parallels of the Days of Lot and Noah – PART 3

The 2nd Coming and the Parallels of the Days of Lot and Noah – PART 3

From Israel »

The 2nd Coming and the Parallels of the Days of Lot and Noah – PART 2

The 2nd Coming and the Parallels of the Days of Lot and Noah – PART 2

From Israel »

ACLU is at it Again

I received the following email from the ACLU today. Tell me, am I missing something? How is requiring and ID to vote "anti-Democratic"? How is this designed to keep African American voters or those who are disabled or students, or elderly from voting? ... »