Author: ourCOG

Film Producer Accuses Church of Hate Speech

According to CBS, a church in New Zealand has put up a controversial billboard questioning Jesus’ sexual orientation. Los Angeles-based best-selling author and film producer, Ray Comfort, says, “This is a subtle form of hate speech. These people profess to be a Christian church but they are like a sentry falling asleep on duty. They [...] »

Let the Holy Spirit Be Your GPS

Somewhere between Morristown and Bean Station, Tenn., my GPS started having a nervous breakdown. The disembodied voice within the box began frantically crying, “Recalculating! Recalculating! Please drive to highlighted route.” Now I had driven this way before but it had been some time ago. This day, as I drove from my son’s house north of [...] »

Check Your Horizontal Mission Field

Check Your Horizontal Mission Field

That so many Christians are satisfied with only a vertical relationship with God and feel no pull to the horizontal mission field they live in daily astonishes me. Ministry happens only in their lives by accident instead of on purpose. The problem is, God is not satisfied with that kind of life because He has [...] Related posts:Called To The Gap Invited To Greatness; Invited to Die Don’t F... »

ISA: Terror Cell Responsible for Tel-Aviv Bus Bombing Arrested

ISA: Terror Cell Responsible for Tel-Aviv Bus Bombing Arrested

The IDF, ISA and the Israel Police exposed and arrested members of a terrorist cell, responsible for the terror attack on Tel-Aviv bus a month ago. Related posts:Terrorist Cell Behind Murder of Policeman Arrested: Planned Additional Attacks and Abductions, 19 July 2010 Senior Hamas Terrorist, Responsible for the Murder of Over 70 Israelis, Arrested Last Night in Ramallah, 14 Mar 2010 T... »