Author: ourCOG

The Harvest is the End of the Age – PART 2

The Harvest is the End of the Age – PART 2

From Jerusalem, Israel »

The Harvest is the End of the Age – PART 1

The Harvest is the End of the Age – PART 1

From Jerusalem, Israel »

pin the tail on the antichrist.

pin the tail on the antichrist.

      At this point I guess its no secret that I am a relentless critic of speculative end-times scenarios which distract the Church from its mission.  A series like End of the World as We Know It where we focus on Revelation is of course a forum where that critique comes into play [...] »

The Zoar Factor- Example of Danger to American Cities – PART 3

The Zoar Factor- Example of Danger to American Cities – PART 3

From Qumran, Israel »