Author: ourCOG

Ezekiel’s Boneyard Is Shaking Again – PART 3

Ezekiel’s Boneyard Is Shaking Again – PART 3

Ezekiel’s Boneyard Is Shaking Again »

Power of Words

I love words. In school, math was never really my thing. I was more interested in books (or sleeping, but that is a different story). Words captivate us. They can lift the heaviest heart and heal the deepest wound. They can incite romance (like mine do... »

9 Ways Believers Can Prepare for the Future – PART 2

9 Ways Believers Can Prepare for the Future – PART 2

9 Ways Believers Can Prepare for the Future »

The Amazing Prophecy of Ezekiel Coming to Pass – PART 3

The Amazing Prophecy of Ezekiel Coming to Pass – PART 3

“The Amazing Prophecy of Ezekiel Coming to Pass” by Perry Stone on location from Qumran, Israel. »